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Dry Scalp

Dry scalp is a great nuisance but it does not have to be dandruff. As the below bulletin describes, there are many causes of dry scalp, they mainly are caused by scalp infections.

There are a plethora of natural remedies for dry scalp. One of the most effective is the addition of tea tree oil to your shampooing regime. Combinations of other essential oils to the tea tree can also add to the effectiveness.

There are other natural ingredients that can be homogenized to be effective treatments as well. You may find most of them obscure, messier and more complicated than the essential oil treatment.

To prevent the occurrence of dry scalp before it happens, there are dietary alternatives that include more leafy green vegetables; fruits, eggs, and whole grains will help bolster the protein in your hair and scalp. Omega-3 is also helpful as are foods that are rich in vitamin A, B, C, zinc, and iron.

Always check the ingredients in your shampoo and conditioner to make sure they do not contain sulfates and parabens. Stay hydrated and use a hair dryer as little as possible. Massage your scalp with natural oils a few times a week.

Finally, try using a shampoo that contains tea tree oil and other nutrients that protect your hair and scalp to keep them healthy.